Monday, November 29, 2010


The first article, “The Merchant Empire of Sogdians”, focuses more on the trading routes and forms of exchange between the Sogdians and other people. Chinese Stories describes the Sogdians as born to their trade. Their language Aramaic was mostly used all around the silk route. They were partly responsible for the widespread of religions, such as, Manichaeism, Zoroastrianism and Buddhism eastwards along the silk route. Their trading activities were acknowledged through the “Ancient Letters” found by Stein near the beacon at the end of the Great Wall. The other two articles focused more on their activities in Northwest China and Sogdiana. Many hierarchy levels of classes were seen. They excelled in trade because they could assimilate with neighboring people easily due to their friendly characteristics and high-ranking positions. They barely fought any wars due to, their unique military strategy, which helped them to focus on trade and welfare. For example, merchant was known to be the highest level as the Sogdians prioritized trade over anything. Many Archaeologists said that the sixth century was when Sogadian culture at its highest peak, evidence received through the vast artistic objects, such as, paintings, sculptures, glasswork and many more.
They were not just considered merchants but art enthusiast. Their diffusion of art was evident as it influenced the art of other cultures. It was seen all around central Asia. Another thing that caught my eye was the burification process, which was the same as the Egyptians.

Brief idea of the two main religions at that time was, Zoroastrianism is a blend of Buddhism and Hinduism. It’s dualistic by nature and accepts Ahura Mazda as the sole God to worship and has theme of light versus dark. This religion has spread all the way to India and is still practiced in many countries. On the other hand, Manichaeism is a mix of Christianity and Buddhism. Manichaeism views the world as the struggle of good versus evil. The success of Sogadian culture through its vast trading of goods is well known all around. Its impressive architectural ideas, sculptures and paintings were found in many influential places. Their cultural eloquent and innovative minds lead to many vast advances, which are used till today.

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